Mentor Polyester Sashes - Child's

Product no.: KNS0905C-0001

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£3.95 / unit(s)
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Mentor Polyester Sashes - Primary School Children - Mentoring.


Printed mentor polyestersashes designed to identify your junior mentors during their role of helping and guiding younger student’s classes or situations.

Suitable for use in infants and primary school classrooms for children's mentoring activities, identification, sports events, and situations requiring a long lasting and hard-wearing sash.

So, if your requirement is for school mentoring schemes, then these reusable nylon sashes printed mentor will be perfect for you, also available as plain unprinted sashes.


UK_Manufactured_Products_Kova_Mfg_Ltd UK Made.



Additional product information

Colour Red
Text Mentor
Specification Sash size 70cm x 10cm - Printed logo on Front


Product Note Status Price
Budget Nylon Armband ID Budget Nylon Armband ID
Low cost armbands for children £1.63 / unit(s) *
Turned Edge Nylon Armband - Plain Turned Edge Nylon Armband - Plain
Nylon armbands for children £2.10 / unit(s) *
Kids Reflective Teddy Armbands Kids Reflective Teddy Armbands
Kids reflective armband £4.75 / unit(s) *
Reflective Horse Armbands Reflective Horse Armbands
Kids reflective armband £4.75 / unit(s) *
Reflective Armbands Heart Motif Reflective Armbands Heart Motif
Kids reflective armband £4.75 / unit(s) *
Triangle Safety Reflectors Triangle Safety Reflectors
Reflectors for children
£1.50 / unit(s) *



Display accessory details

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Browse these categories as well: School Items - Products & Accessories, Promotional Satin Sashes & Polyester Sashes, Mentoring Sashes, Promotional Items