Lunchtime Monitor Nylon Tabards - Outdoor Use

Product no.: KTC00027-0001

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£5.95 / unit(s)

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Customer ratings for Lunchtime Monitor Nylon Tabards - Outdoor Use

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5
Excellent in quality and fit.
from on 06/03/2017
Excellent, much stronger than I thought they would have been, especially for the price. Thank you.

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Product Note Status Price
Lunchtime Monitor Badges 50mm Lunchtime Monitor Badges 50mm
Lunchtime Monitor Badges 50mm £1.80 / unit(s) *
Lunchtime Monitor Pin Badge 31mm Lunchtime Monitor Pin Badge 31mm
Lunchtime Monitor Pin Badge 31mm £1.05 / unit(s) *
First Aid Pin Badge 50mm Dia First Aid Pin Badge 50mm Dia
First Aid Pin Badge 50mm £1.80 / unit(s) *
Teddy Bear Shaped Prismatic Reflector Teddy Bear Shaped Prismatic Reflector
Teddy Bear Shaped Prismatic Reflector



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Browse these categories as well: School Items - Products & Accessories, Tabards Custom Made - Plain or Personalised, Childs Pre-Printed Nylon Tabards