Terms and Conditions

Kova Manufacturing Ltd.


Terms & Conditions. Definitions.



1 Definitions

 In these conditions: - "Kova-promotional-products" means KOVA Manufacturing Ltd.
 "The Buyer" means persons, firm or Company entering into the contract with Kova-promotional-products.
"The Conditions" means the conditions herein relating to the sale of goods via kova-promotional-products.
"The contract" means between the Kova-promotional-products and the Buyer created upon Kova-promotional-products written acceptance of the Buyers order. "The Goods means the goods supplied hereunder in
"The Order" means the order placed by the Buyer based on Kova-promotional-products quotation. "The Quotation" means the quotation provided by  Kova-promotional-products to the buyer in accordance with the order.
2 General
Quotations for and acceptance of all orders are subject to these Conditions of sale and shall govern the contract to the exclusion of all other terms and Conditions.
No addition to or variation from these terms and conditions shall have an effect unless the same are expressly accepted by Kova-promotional-products in writing under the hand of a director of Kova-promotional-products.
The Conditions represent the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes any prior agreements, representations or undertakings.

 3 Price
The price for the goods will be as provided by Kova-promotional-products either by quotation or by the current published prices and are confirmed to the Buyer in Kova-promotional-products invoice.

Kova-promotional-products reserves the right to vary from the price quoted to the extent that such variation is required to cover increases in the costs of supplying the goods between quotation and delivery to the Buyer. Prices at the date of delivery shall therefore prevail.
4 Payment
All Buyers will be invoiced Proforma. Goods shall only be dispatched upon receipt of payment in full.
Credit Payment if agreed in writing by Kova-promotional-products prior to acceptance of the order for the Goods from the Buyer shall be made within 30 days of invoice unless otherwise stated in writing by  Kova-promotional-products prior to acceptance of the order for the Goods from the Buyer.
In the event of late or part payment, interest at the rate of 5% above Lloyds TSB bank PLC base lending rate shall be charged on the sum outstanding on a daily basis until payment.
All price quoted are exclusive of  VAT, carriage, insurance, packing, and all other duties, taxes or levies required to be paid under the Contract.

(e)      Failure to adhere to the Terms & Conditions may result in Credit being withdrawn.

(f)      All prices are in £ sterling and exclude UK VAT at the appropriate rate. Delivery charges are not included in the prices quoted. We accept payment by most major credit, debit cards and cheques.

5 Purchasing

(a) All items offered on our website are subject to availability. To purchase any of the items on our Web Site, click the "Add to Basket" button shown on each product page. When you place an order
(b) To purchase a product by clicking the button "Order Now", we will send you an e-mail confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order. Your order represents an offer to us to purchase a product which is accepted by us when we send e-mail confirmation to you that we have accepted your order or dispatched the product to you. The contract will be filed. For safety reasons your order’s data are not accessible via internet. We keep these data in confidence according to our privacy policy.
6 Customer Service
Any complaints regarding the goods or services supplied should be made to:
Customer Service, Kova Manufacturing Ltd, Unit 313, Jubilee Trade Centre, 130 Pershore Street, Birmingham, B5 6ND. You can e-mail, write, telephone us with your complaint. Our normal office hours are 10am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday

7 Personalised Goods
 On completion of any imprinted goods Kova-promotional-products retains title to any silk screens, artwork or embroidery discs obtained or produced by Kova- promotional-products for use in the manufacture of the Goods.
(b)   Samples will be charged at cost plus carriage if samples are not returned and the return carriage to be paid by the Buyer unless stated in writing by a director of the Kova-promotional-products.
(c)    Bespoke samples and personalised/custom printed or manufactured, are non-returnable and the Buyer will be charged at manufactured cost of sample plus carriage unless stated in writing by a director of the Kova-promotional-products.
(d)    A small order screen printing charge may be payable on all orders under 25 units (price will be quoted at time of order(s))

8 Packaging
The Company shall arrange packing of the goods, suitable for transportation by road.
Any special requests for handling, packing or transportation, are required to be made by the Buyer in writing on entering into the Contract.

9 Delivery
(a).   The appointment of carriers is at Kova-promotional-products sole discretion unless the Buyer indicates a specific carrier prior to quotation.

(b)    All reasonable efforts will be made by Kova-promotional-products to fulfil delivery dates provided that reasonable notice of such a date is given by the Buyer.

Time is not of the essence in the contract.
10 Delivery

Delivery is within the United Kingdom mainland (excluding Highlands & Islands). We cannot guarantee delivery times, but we aim to deliver within 7 to 28 days working days.

Deliveries outside of the United Kingdom Mainland are subject to additional costs.

11 Delivery Cost
 The delivery costs for the UK will be shown when you place an order and are determined by product weight.

12 Examination of the Goods.
The Buyer shall inspect and shall be deemed to have inspected the Goods immediately on delivery thereof  and time being of the essence shall within 3 days from such delivery give notice to Kova-promotional-products of any shortages or surpluses in the Goods, or of any damage to the Goods incurred during transit and of any other fact or circumstance rendering the Goods to non-conform to the Contract under which they were delivered. If the Buyer shall fail to give such notice the goods shall be presumed to be in accordance with the Contract and the Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the Goods accordingly.

13 Warranty and Liability
Kova-promotional-products does not warrant the suitability of the Goods for any use or purpose except where such use or purpose has been declared to Kova-promotional-products in writing and expressly confirmed by the Kova-promotional-products in writing.

If the Buyer claims that any of the goods delivered are defective, the following shall apply; (I) The Buyer shall have no claim against  Kova-promotional-products in respect of defects in the Goods unless such defects are notified to the seller in writing within 15 days after the date of delivery. (ii)In respect of defects in the Goods arising solely from faulty materials or workmanship.  Kova-promotional-products shall at its option either repair the Goods or supply replacement or refund. (iii) Kova-promotional-products shall have no liability in respect of any defects in any Goods which have undergone any process after delivery. (iv)Paragraph 8 (a) above sets out Kova-promotional-products entire liability in respect of the Goods and Kova-promotional-products liability under this paragraph shall be in lieu and to the exclusion of all other warranties, conditions, terms and liabilities expressed or implied statutory or otherwise in respect of the quality or fitness for any particular purpose of the Goods or otherwise howsoever. Kova-promotional-products shall have no liability for any consequential loss suffered by the Buyer in respect of the Goods. (v) The liability of Kova-promotional-products in respect of defects in the Goods is limited to the price of the Goods in question.

14 Risk and Responsibility
Risk in the Goods passes on delivery.
Title in the Goods will not pass to the Buyer until payment in full of the invoice.
Where the Buyer sells Goods on to a third party title will pass immediately before the Goods are delivered to such third party.
Where Goods are attached to, or incorporated in any other Goods, or altered, title will not pass by virtue of such attachment or alteration, where the Goods can be detached or removed.
The Buyer is required to store the Goods supplied separately from any other goods in its possession until title has passed in accordance with sub-paragraphs (b) and  (c) above.

If the Buyer is overdue in payment for the Goods or other Goods supplied by Kova-promotional-products, Kova-promotional-products may recover and sell the Goods. Kova-promotional-products shall be entitled to take possession of the Goods and is hereby granted a licence to enter the Buyers premises for such purpose and may, if necessary, detach or remove the Goods from the other goods or equipment. This will not affect any other right Kova-promotional-products may have against the Buyer.

Until payment of the Goods and all other goods which are supplied under these conditions: (I) the Buyer shall hold the Goods upon trust for Kova-promotional-products; (ii) if the Goods are sold the Buyer shall hold the proceeds of the sale on trust for Kova-promotional-products in a separate bank account specifically designated for this purpose; (iii) Kova-promotional-products reserves the right to trace the proceeds of sale received into any bank or other account which the Buyer maintains; (iv) the Buyer may not, without Kova-promotional-products express written consent, assign to any other person any rights arising from a sale of the Goods; (v) if  the Buyer incorporates the Goods into, or uses the Goods for manufacturing of other goods, before payment in full of the price, Kova-promotional-products shall be entitled to take possession of the new goods and is hereby granted a licence to enter the Buyers premises for the purpose of recovering the new goods. Kova-promotional-products shall be entitled to sell the new goods (subject to any third party rights therein) and shall retain from the proceeds of sale the amount due to Kova-promotional-products for the Goods and pay any balance remaining to the Buyer.

15 Storage
Kova-promotional-products shall levy a storage charge to the Buyer for all Goods stored by Kova-promotional-products within one month of the following; (I) the Buyer failing to collect the Goods from Kova-promotional-products premises following written notification of availability for collection; (ii) the Buyer failing to take delivery of the Goods or failing to make arrangements for delivery upon written notification of readiness for despatch.
16 Returns and cancellations

If a customer wishes to use their right to cancel, they must inform you of this fact within 14 days.

Kova-promotional-products will not accept the return of any Goods without its prior written consent.
Where such consent is provided Goods shall be returned at the Buyers expense.
Kova-promotional-products reserves the right to charge a Buyer for the cost of any materials ordered or prepared by Kova-promotional-products and any other costs incurred by Kova-promotional-products in relation to an order that is cancelled as at the date of cancellation.

16(1) Special Offers/Clearance Products - While stock lasts.

CLEARANCE products, special offers are only available while stocks last and are Non returnable, unless due to manufacturing fault.

17 Alterations and Modifications
Kova-promotional-products may make such alterations to or modifications, as it seems necessary to the Goods or their manufacture without notice to the Buyer from time to time.

18 Notices
All notices to be given under the contract shall be given by prepaid first class post or facsimile to the registered office or principle place of business of the party to be notified and shall be deemed to have been delivered if by letter at the expiration of 48 hours after posting and if facsimile on receipt.

19 Termination
Without prejudice to any other remedies Kova-promotional-products may have against the Buyer, Kova-promotional-products may terminate the current contract on notice to the Buyer, upon the Buyer becoming bankrupt or insolvent or upon a resolution to wind up the Buyer being passed or a receiver, administrative receiver or administrator being appointed and shall be entitled to take possession of all Goods supplied and unpaid for, in accordance with Risk and Property.
20 Force Majeure
Kova-promotional-products shall be entitled to cancel the Contract or reduce the quantity of Goods to be provided if it is prevented from providing the Goods through any circumstances beyond its reasonable control including (but not limited to) industrial action, war, fire or any prohibition or enactment of any kind, and will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred whatsoever arising therefrom.
21 Governing Law
The Contract shall be governed by English Law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court in England.
21 Statutory Rights
These Terms and Conditions do not affect any of your statutory rights.

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